Future Hack
"Future Hack" written by Dana Klisanin and illustrated by Melisca Klisanin and Yeyan Xu, is a middle-grade sci-fi novel that follows Lexa Andromeda, a 12-year-old girl whose life changes dramatically after the death of her dog. Discovering pranking as a way to cope with her loss, Lexa's antics escalate until one prank goes too far, leading to her enrollment in the prestigious Thistleton Academy. The novel introduces an intriguing concept: a technology that can make love visible even after death, blending environmental themes and technological intrigue in a story that aims to empower the next generation of young eco-activists.
Dialogue with the Future l 2009
This video response to the United Nations' request for feedback from Global Citizens suggests that the future generations be invited to dialogue with the United Nations General Assembly through the conspicuous placement of an empty chair, dedicated to the Future, and set before the eyes of all Member States.
Futures Education: Social Action